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REAR VIEW MIRROR COSTING Rs.55 or Rs.15 soft skills Training Ezhilarasan

Fitting Cheap FLAT REAR VIEW 
MIRRORs in two wheelers Venkatachalam Salem

My thoughts after reading the news item   ..
The Amritsar train accident on 22.10.2018


It was very painful to watch in TV news that a train ploughing through hundreds of people standing on the tracks watching the crackers bursting at the DUSSERA celebrations.
While writing this article, the news said that there were 63 dead and about 100 injured.

However, it was a relief to know that Rs 5 Lakhs compensation from the State government and Rs.2 Lakhs from the Central  government had been declared.

But it seems the relatives of the deceased are demanding "more" compensation from the authorities. And also other benefits like jobs etc.
It was sheer negligence on the part of the public to stand on the railway tracks.

Now their family members are claiming more compensation.
It is fair?

These points made me think and write the below matter.


About 15 years ago I was driving a moped. Then while parking it inside my shed, the review mirror will get broken once in 6.months or so. I will go to the vehicle workshop and get it replaced immediately.

But the convex mirrors costing Rs.55 then, will not be available immediately. As an alternative, the mechanic will suggest to me a flat mirror costing just Rs.15. I will refuse and insist for a convex mirror. He will tell that he needed more time to buy and fix it. I will say ok and wait for a few days him to buy and then fix it.

After a few years, it seemed that almost all two wheeler drivers had changed to Rs.15 mirror.  Hence, I was forced to purchase it myself from JAYA THEATRE, Salem Town and ask the mechanic to fix it.

I would think that many of the two wheeler drivers would have taken the Life Insurance policies for a few lakhs. But they are so stingy to buy a mirror costing Rs.40 extra.  What a paradox?  Why don't they understand a REAR VIEW CONVEX MIRROR, costing a little more which will DEFINITELY increase their safety.

My accident

I also remember another sad thing that made me 100 % AN ENGLISH TRAINER.

On 12th April 2007, I met with a road accident. It changed everything in my life. It put me on bed rest for 3 months. And house rest or house arrest for another 5 months. It also showed me who really cared for me. And who just did "LIPS SERVICE".

Due to this accident, I made a resolve to myself to be an ENGLISH trainer rest of my life. Now my English knowledge in being useful to 1,000 + LEARNERS or SUBSCRIBERS worldwide in my channel ..

I think God had better plans for me. That accident made me what I am today  ---a global English Trainer for Tamil Speaking people ---young and old.

Ezhilarasan Venkatachalam
Global Tamil Based English Trainer
Salem, South India.


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