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sandwich - COUNSELLING A 35 YEAR OLD ENGINEER. -- . COUNSELLING  A 35 YEAR OLD ENGINEER and my ex English student or SISYA (2010) and restoring his shipwrecked life.  35 வயது பொறியாளர் மற்றும் எனது முன்னால் ஆங்கில மாணவர் (அ)  சிஷ்யனின்ண திசைமாறிய வாழ்க்கையை பேசிப் பேசியே மீட்ட நிகழ்வு (2010) SAME MATTER TAMIL =TOP -- ENGLISH =BOTTOM VERSION   Around Dec 2009, for almost 20 days I was pumping positive thinking into one of my sishyas whom I liked  very much.  டிசம்பர் 2009 வாக்கில், கிட்டத்தட்ட 20 நாட்களுக்கு, நான் என் சிஷ்யனின் மூளைக்குள் மிகுந்த முயற்சியுடன் நேர்மறை சிந்தனைகளை (positive thinking) விதைத்துக் கொண்டு இருந்தேன்.  He has lot of reverence towards me as a Guru. He had learnt English from me for about four months, a year ago.  அவர் என்னை ஒரு  நல்ல குருவாக  கருதி, என்னிடம்  பயபக்தியுடன் ஒரு வருடம் முன்பு சுமார் நான்கு மாதங்கள் ஆங்கிலம் கற்றுக்கொண்டார்.  He was around 35 years old and a bachelor.  அவருக்கு சுமார் 35 வயது இருக்கும். அவருக்கு திருமணம் ஆகவில்லை. He was working as a

My Chennai working Experience and other working experiences -2005

 My working experiences  Part [1] -   Teaching in a Village School (Near Uthamasolapuram) A few years ago, I happen to work as a Senior Teacher in a village school in Salem. It was an unique experience for me in life. The school management had in fact cheated me. But I digested that injustice and took classes to the young buds with great involvement and self motivation.  The school Principal, Mr.Muthukmar was a terrific gentleman. He gave me a free hand to explore and experiment in many areas in education. I was “almost” working as an Assistant Headmaster. In fact, today I can challenge that the students to whom I took classes can hardly meet another motivating teacher as me in their lifetime. I had worked with so much dedication and devotion.  The school was exactly 8 kms. from my house. Daily I went in a moped. I will have to travel 4 kms in town traffic and another 4 kms in National Highway traffic. Hence, I will have to follow two different styles in my driving.  It was the Salem-E

Venkatachalams soft skills clips 101 to 150

Venkatachalams soft skills clips 101 to 150 . (142) Actor Madhavan's speech about his problems in releasing a movie on boxing and his advice from his friend who sold two companies before becoming rich (HIGH ENGLISH)      -  (Part 1  ... 1 to 25)   [-][-]  Part 2 ..  26 to 50)   [-][-]  Part 3 -- links 51 to 100    - (141)  -- 17 times my friend tried to meet a famous REAL ESTATE BUSINESSMAN. Finally he jumped into the LIFT ELEVATOR and then got an appointment. (HIGH ENGLISH)       101 to 142 Soft Skills videos [presently only]  (140) -- Santhamma, teaching at ripe old age. This 94-year-old professor's unwavering passion for teaching is inspiring. She is a great inspiration for all.   139 -- Buddha Quotes  [Indian English ]   138 -- Apologizing professionally ! Shade Zahrai

Translation Rs.33 donation by Mr. Bhoopathy

 Donor stood up instinctively  Rs.33 donation by Mr. Bhoopathy   Sir / friend, An interesting episode ! I am donating a small amount monthly to NAMBIKKAI VAASAL TRUST run by differently abled,  AEKALAIVAN. ஐயா / நண்பரே, ஒரு சுவையான நிகழ்ச்சி. நான் மாதா மாதம் ஒரு சிறு தொகையை நண்பர் ஏகலைவன் நடத்தும் நம்பிக்கை வாசல் டிரஸ்டிற்கு அனுப்பி வருகிறேன்.  Recently I found out that if I ask people whom I  frequently meet, they too may join with me. And they may contribute at least Rs.33 every month.  நான் அடிக்கடி சந்திக்கும் மக்களிடம் நிதி உதவி கேட்டால், அவர்களும் என்னுடன் சேரலாம் என்று சமீபத்தில் உணர்ந்தேன்.  ஒவ்வொரு மாதமும் அவர்கள் குறைந்தது ரூ.33 ஆவது  பங்களிக்கலாம். Hence, I used to ask such people monthly before I send my donation to the trust.  எனவே, நான் நம்பிக்கை வாசல் டிரஸ்டிற்கு என் நன்கொடையை அனுப்பும் முன் மாதாமாதம் அத்தகையை மக்களிடம்  கேட்பேன்.  Yesterday, at 8 pm, I asked a gold businessman, Mr. Bhoopahy to contribute Rs.33 for AEKALAIVAN's trust through me.  நேற்று இரவு 8 மணிக

Venkatachalams soft skills clips 51 to 100

BIG COLLECTION OF EXCELLENT VIDEOS THAT I RELISHED Clips from 51 to 100 [Reverse order] [100]  Sudha Murthy about being called the "CATTLE CLASS" in Heathrow Airport    -+ [99] This GENIUS KID -- is shouting at the audience --  NOT TO CLAP BEFORE HE FINISHES -- Great future awaiting ! He explains  about "Lawrence Force"  [English] -- Part 1 # clips 1 to 25  [-][-]  Part 2 # clips 26 to 50   [-][-]  THIS IS PART 3   [-][-] Part 4 - CLIPS 101 TO 150 [98] Sundar Pichai about Chrome 2009 and making data and knowledge accessible to all.  [97] Kalam tells that the true character of a good leader is to accept the failure of his juniors as "his failure". But when they succeed, bringing them to limelight and give them the credit.   [96] When about 5,000 farmers com


VINAYAKAR ART PIECE GIFT FROM AN ELDERLY LADY STUDENT  [maetti thuni oviyam] - Around 2010 I was running an English Training Institute near Four Roads, Salem near Muniappan Temple. Once an aged lady approached me for English Training. I think she was about 10 years elder to me.  I noticed all her teeth were fallen down. And while she spoke it was very diffcult even to understand her Tamil. I hinted that it will be a very challenging job at this age to learn English. But she was persistent.  She told me that her granddaughter studying 8th standard had refused to teach her English. Hence, she took it as a challenge and had approached me to learn English.  I understood that her husband might be ready to get a new gold chain weighing few sovereigns, if she had asked for it. Hence, paying my high fees may not  seem to be matter to her.  Reluctantly I accepted the challenge and took classes to her. She attended my classes with great sincerity. And I will have to put  extraordinary efforts to

sandwich - My comments on comedian VIVEKs interview with NEW-7 TV channel

 நகைச்சுவை நடிகர் விவேகின் நியூஸ் 7 சேனல் நேர்காணல் பற்றிய என் எண்ணங்கள்.  (1) Actor Vivek narrates his journey from an ordinary clerk to a recipient of Padma Shree Award. // நடிகர் விவேக் ஒரு சாதாரண எழுத்தராக இருந்து பத்மஸ்ரீ விருது பெற்றவர் வரையிலான தனது பயணத்தை விவரிக்கிறார். (2) The interviewer provokes him to talk about his closeness to Dr. Abdul Kalam. //  நேர்காணல் செய்பவர், டாக்டர் அப்துல் கலாமுடன்  உள்ள அவருடைய நெருக்கத்தைப் பற்றிப் பேசத் தூண்டுகிறார். Vivek then narrates how Kalam showed his own English poem on TREE and made him read it,  during a meeting with him. And how after a friendly chat, he hinted to him that we should plant trees to combat global warming ./ கலாம் அவருடனான சந்திப்பின் போது மரம் பற்றிய தனது சொந்த ஆங்கிலக் கவிதையை தன்னிடம் எப்படிக் காட்டி படிக்க வைத்தார் என்பதை விவேக் விவரிக்கிறார். ஒரு நட்பான அரட்டைக்குப் பிறகு, புவி வெப்பமடைதலை எதிர்த்துப் போராட நாம் மரக்கன்றுகளை நட வேண்டும் என்று அவர் மறைமுகமாக சுட்டிக்காட்டினார்.  NEW7 interview with COMEDIAN VIVE