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 [maetti thuni oviyam]
Around 2010 I was running an English Training Institute near Four Roads, Salem near Muniappan Temple. Once an aged lady approached me for English Training. I think she was about 10 years elder to me. 

I noticed all her teeth were fallen down. And while she spoke it was very diffcult even to understand her Tamil. I hinted that it will be a very challenging job at this age to learn English. But she was persistent. 

She told me that her granddaughter studying 8th standard had refused to teach her English. Hence, she took it as a challenge and had approached me to learn English.  I understood that her husband might be ready to get a new gold chain weighing few sovereigns, if she had asked for it. Hence, paying my high fees may not  seem to be matter to her. 

Reluctantly I accepted the challenge and took classes to her. She attended my classes with great sincerity. And I will have to put  extraordinary efforts to teach her English. Recalling now, with almost no tooth in her mouth, I will have to try my best to hide my impending laughter ON HEARING HER SPEAK ENGLISH WORDS, with vibrating lips. 

After a month or so she told that her house is going to be shifted in a few weeks and she will be forced to discountine my English classes. She was a bit disappointed. 

However, she told me that she is making an art work in cloth - VINAYAKAR PHOTO and wanted to gift it to me. I was very moved on hearing that. As already mentioned, she will be  shifting her house within a few weeks. She was concerned whether she will be able to complete it in time. 

I had seen my mother do that art work when I was young. It is an extraordinary work demanding about 10 or 15 hours of intricate workmanship. With thread and needle, you will have to make XX stitching patterns using different colours to create the required image. 

This Vinayaka's photo, a hand made art piece in cloth, was gifted to me by a LADY STUDENT, about ten years elder to me in 2010. This is  a TREASURE in my house. 

Ezhilarasan Venkatachalam
Tamil Based Online English Trainer


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