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You will agree that our human body is a miraculous machine. You may know that it has lot of sub-systems like the  nervous system, digestive system, respiratory system etc.
We can say that our health in defined 50% by our genes and the balance 50% by ourc limate and environment.
However by conscious efforts we can greatly influence our health. By  good habits relating to exercises, eating, sleeping etc. we can no doubt be fit even at old age.

We should understand that the working environment affects our health drastically. Whether you are a bus driver, teacher, a software guy or business man, over use of certain parts of your body results in UNEVEN WEAR AND TEAR.

What will happen if one wheel in a four wheeled vehicle is damaged? It will soon affect all the three good wheels. And  the whole vehicle goes out of order.
For millions of years, our human body got adapted to many things. For millions of years we woke up when the sun  came up and slept when the sun set.

But when Thomas Alva Edison invented the electric bulb, everything stared to change. Then we had UPS or battery power based supply to work round the clock.

With the advent of television we started to  cut short our sleeping time and watched TV at night. Then followed the computers and internet to spoil our sleep.

Our latest enemy now is the mobile phone which is with us 24 hours a day. You just pay a small amount monthly and you have nonstop internet 24 hours a day.

You can use it either for work or  entertainment. Hence it is up to you to decide to STOP AND START work. And decide when to sleep.

It is high time that each of us should analyse the best time for us to work, the best time for us to exercise and relax. And follow it as far as possible.
Unless you are working in a mill or factory that has three shifts,  don't be awake at least after 4 hours after the sun sets. 

What will happen is you operate a bus or train non stop for a month? Of course it will breakdown.

Remember your body is also like a machine. It will malfunction if you over use it. There are about 206 bones in your body. Once any one of these bones gets damaged, you can't function normally.
Of course punctuality is really important. For rocket launching even a micro second is important. But do we follow such accuracy in our day to day life? In attending our office? Do we keep up your appointments to the minute? Then why fuss for New Year alone?

You would have seen in many bus stands drivers arguing with each other to start a bus on time. Each minute is money for them. Of course, they should be punctual.

Therefore we should agree when the government says that in aerodromes, railway stations and bus stands  the day starts at 00:00 hours.

But personally I want to synchronize with nature.

My house is in Salem, Tamilnadu. And dailya round 5.45am my love birds start to chirp after they hear the crows caw and the sparrows tweet. And after they see the first streaks of sun light breaking the darkness little by little they start "talking" or chirping.
The day breaks for my love birds around 5.45am (in December).

I too want to synchronize with nature.

Let everybody celebrate their New Year 2020 at 00:00 hours. It is okay for me to wake up with my love birds at 5.45am even on January 1st.
Solicit your opinion.

Ezhilarasan Venkatachalam Salem 


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