SHOULD WE CONTINUE CELEBRATING NEW YEAR AT zero HOURS venkatachalam Salem . You will agree that our human body is a miraculous machine. You may know that it has lot of sub-systems like the nervous system, digestive system, respiratory system etc. We can say that our health in defined 50% by our genes and the balance 50% by ourc limate and environment. However by conscious efforts we can greatly influence our health. By good habits relating to exercises, eating, sleeping etc. we can no doubt be fit even at old age. We should understand that the working environment affects our health drastically. Whether you are a bus driver, teacher, a software guy or business man, over use of certain parts of your body results in UNEVEN WEAR AND TEAR. What will happen if one wheel in a four wheeled vehicle is damaged? It will soon affect all the three good wheels. And the whole vehicle goes out of order. For millions of years, our human body got adapted to many ...
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