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Attending Mr. RAVI's son's WEDDING RECEPTION Diary 0327 Venkatachalam Salem

Attending Mr. RAVI's son's WEDDING RECEPTION  Venkatachalam Salem - DIARY FOR ALL


GRT ESTANCIA, Kuranguchavadi, Salem Bangalore ByPass on
27th March 2018 (WEDNESDAY)
between 6.30pm and 9pm

(Public Version)

Mr.RAVI was two years senior in my college. However, we were friends due to common interests in chess. We maintained contacts via email, facebook and Whatsapp.

He had contributed now and then to the  social causes that i shared with him.

I decided to attend the wedding reception. Hence, I got a cute mini red alarm clock costing Rs.140 as a gift to the newly married couple.

Accenture, Bangalore

The gift was 90% packaged yesterday. Today afternoon i wrote a small greetings in a paper and inserted it and sealed it. I also asked the couple to visit my childcare and other blogs.

At 5.30pm my AUTOMAN, Sankar called up and confirmed the trip. I started out of my home at 6.20pm. I had a quick tea at the Main Road and Sankar dropped me at the hotel at 6.55pm. I think it was a three star hotel. I had some difficulty in locating the reception hall. Exactly at 7pm the couple decorated their majestic seats.

Mr Ravi was a guitarist. He had already played guitar long back in orchestras.  His guru aged perhaps 88 years was playing melodious cinema songs in the veena. 

He looked very lean and fragile like an aged cine comedian.  But with excellent facial expressions, he was playing melodious music, as if he was a teenager. Astounding !!

Music and others arts make you forget your age or maintain your youthfulness even at 88 years, i noted the point. 

A lead guitarist also played a few songs. Many 1970s songs were played with the audio introduction "MALARUM NINAIVUGAL". (Nostalgic songs). I also met other college friends who were also two years senior to me.

One of Mr Ravi's sister confronted me and challenged to identify her. I was perplexed. However, her face obviously resembled my friend's face. Hence, i said, "YOU MUST BE HIS SISTER". She was very happy to hear that from me. It was great to note that she started chatting with me enthusiastically. Hence, i gave my English training notice and said i am now a YOUTUBE based English Trainer, however almost retired. She told that her husband runs a medical shop at DADAGAPATTY, Salem and welcomed me to keep notices in her shop. I said it is ok.

After sometime, i stood in the queue and gave the gift and went downstairs to have a quick veg. buffet dinner. Of course, as expected, since it was a buffet dinner, i just ate two servings of vegetable rice, and curd rice quickly and returned to the hall. I was scared i may topple while walking.

Till 8.30pm i was hearing melodious cinema songs played in instruments. I could not control drumming my limbs and swaying my head and body in tune to those songs because i liked all the songs they played. They were mostly 1980s songs. By the way, i can also play a few musical instruments. However, only the elementary lessons.

At 8.30pm i called my automan to pick me up. By 9.00pm the last song was played and the orchestra packed off. There were hardly 10% people in the hall.

I repeatedly sent SMS to my automan Shankar. Luckily he came before the marriage party started to pack off.

After i returned home, i found the backyard filled with cement waste. Since, i already had my foot pierced a few days ago, i immediately took the coconut broom stick, sweeped the floor, sprayed water repeatedly and cleaned the backyard almost 90%. Then i soaked 3 bed sheets like cloth in water and partly covered my love birds cage with them. It is to cool them in this scorching summer heat.

Then i changed my dress and arranged the kitchen items and had a quick bath. The madam at home had gone out of station for a week's stay. Hence, i should manage things myself.

Since my tummy seemed full, due to the buffet dinner i understood i will not get early sleep today. And i also had the urge to share these thoughts then and there  with my close circle, hence my fingers are typing my thoughts on my NOTEBOOK COMPUTER into the late night.

P.S. :

Recently i read that engaging in any type of creative activity that you enjoy -- like  drawing, painting, playing musical instruments and EVEN WRITING ARTICLES LIKE THE ABOVE -- will remove the bad hormone, CORTISOL from your bloodstream.  It will give you renewed energy to work and solve your problems.


For Scientific article ..

EZHILARASAN Venkatachalam
Global Tamil Based English Trainer
Salem, South India.


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